Tuesday, 21 June 2011

28/03/11 My View

To most people a corrugated iron roof view wouldn't be that appealing but to me..........!!!

since taking these, the neigbour has installed solar power panels! 

More soon xx

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

09/04/11 - Bushy & Bridie's Wedding

Had such a great time shooting this wedding, I think we had the same sense of humour and they were enthusiastic to do anything I wanted. Thanks guys xx

I also just wanted to see what it looked like to put 2 images together, enjoy xx

03/04/11 - Vogue June Edition

Yay all very exciting when shots get published.

Had lots of fun with shaving cream lipstick and moisturizer !!!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

19/05/11 - Red Boots

Finding photos around the house, little still life compositions.

Of course my little assistant had to help, she had added her baby to some of the shots and then got my other red shoes out.  Maybe a stylist in the making.
Or an artist, her red pictures on the wall make a great background.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

04/05/11- More Leaves, Khancoban NSW

Yes I am obsessed with getting a shot I love with autumn leaves.
Had to pretend to drop the camera on her just so she would look! the things we do.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

28/04/11 - Visual Distractions

I forgot how many cool shadows, reflections and angles there were in my house.

Inspired to do more and a nice reminder of my world of visual distractions. 


Friday, 22 April 2011

24/04/11 - Eliza Leaves

What a nightmare trying to get a shot of Eliza with the leaves, still didn't manage to get what I had in my head but she had fun!
Hard to decide which ones I like! Not sure if I like the b/w or colour either.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

17/03/11 - Snaps

Caught up with some friends today and we walked through that great graffiti alley in the city. I think its officially called Hosier Lane.
I love rustic old alleys, but have never ventured in here before. I thought it had been comercialised and wouldnt be that exciting, so never went out of my way, however, I was pleasently surprised.
Must come back when I have more time to play
love how these colours all matched

She was actually dancing, I couldn't pick which one I liked.
maybe this one

Thanks, more soon

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

13/04/11 - More Fiji

Well I have finally gone through some Fiji images.
Great clouds this trip, which I am not usually into as I said, but between the rain and the tsunami scare, they were my inspiration. Sometimes they didnt look real, the colours were amazing. One direction would be raining and black then the other side was a deep blue, or orange with blue peaking through.
Here are a few from the millions that I took.
Oh and I got a bit obsessed with waves too. There normally isnt any!




07/04/11 - Rock Star

Finally fit into the rock star shoes!

Also experimenting with some outside shots at my studio, just a couple I have picked from the 100s I took! 

At least the babies are willing participants. xx

Monday, 11 April 2011

11/04/11 - Work work work!

Well back in Australia and have been flat out with work. Non stop exciting jobs and the end of my weddings for a few months. I have managed to squeeze in a few shots for my self as well.

So as I take a moment to unpack from Fiji.....yes thats how busy I have been.....play with my 2 year old, who is now saying " mummy taking photos?",  I can start going through them and put some up for you all to enjoy.

xx cat

Saturday, 26 March 2011

26/03/11 - Wedding

Shooting weddings this time of year becomes a bit of a blur to me after awhile, but I did love this little snap while playing with the flower girl.

Always manage to squeeze some close ups and textures in there as well.
